Post- Consultation Meet Summary
December 27th, 2018 | 9:30am-11:30am, 11:45pm-2:00pm | Venue: AASC
Key Organisers: CSDG (Centre for Sustainable Development Goals) in collaboration with VHAI (Voluntary Health Association of India) and CEA (Civic Engagement Alliance)
Chief Guest: Dr Shri K.K. Dwivedi, IAS, Commissioner andSecretary, Govt. of Assam
Participants:Top Cement Meghalaya, India Carbon Ltd, UNICEF, Piramal Foundation, UNDP, VHAI, CEA, CSDG, CFNS, AASC.
Title: Consultation Meeting on SDGs related to Nutrition.
Goals: The purpose of this consultation meet was to bring in and discuss an outline strategy and pathways to realise the vision of the National Nutrition Mission (NNM) and to explore scope of collaboration amongst public sector, private sector and civil societies.
Summary: The session started with a warm welcome and objective sharing detailed speech by Ms Ruchira Neog(Executive Secretary, Voluntary Health Association of Assam). The Consultation meet was inaugurated by Dr. K.K. Dwivedi, IAS, Commissioner andSecretary, Administrative Reforms and Training Department, Govt. of Assam.He brought out some hard facts prevalent in the country as well as the state and suggested few effective working methodologies to counter these problems associated to nutrition with efficiency. Some of the key observations from the Consultation meet are:
- An overview CEA Pathway Programmes and Linkages Therein, with special focus on Assam was presented byMs. Nirjumoni Dutta Bharali (Senior Programme Manager, ICCSPL-CEA).
- VHAI team presented various shares of Assam’s status on nutrition and progress made under the ‘Realizing the Right to Adequate Food and Nutrition’ programme.
- A short documentary film prepared by CEA was presented titled “Towards a Malnutrition Free Assam: Breaking the Barriers”.
- A presentation on ‘National Nutrition Policy in Assam: Role of Women Federation’ by Ms. Nirjumoni Dutta Bharali, highlighting the importance of Mahila Samata Samities in enhancing the capacities of NGOs to address issues of malnutrition properly.
- Shri J C Phukan, Consultant, Centre for SDGs, Govt. of Assam made a presentation on‘SDG Initiative in Assam-Present and Road Ahead in the context of SDGs 2, 3, 5&10’.
- Dr.RM Dubey, Prof and Head, Centre for SDGs, Govt of Assam then highlighted the participants the various CSR Role and ways in combating Malnutrition in Assam. He brought in light the major issues of malnutrition in the state and how with proper channelling of CSR related activities into it can bring a positive change in the overall nutrition scenario of Assam.
- With this, the final stage of the consultation meet ‘Round table consultation with Corporate and Private sector representatives on formulation of strategies for their involvement in nutrition sector’ was organised. This was again spearheaded by Dr.RM Dubey who discussed the various reasons on why nutrition is a key element for the corporate as well as private sectors to take it up and include in their CSR activities. He even discussed the ways and procedures by which it can be done with ease and very minimal investment.