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Government Of Assam Administrative Reforms and Training Assam Administrative Staff College

Recently Conducted Trainings

Workshop on Good Governance, RTI Act, ARTPS and other Transparency Measures

Workshop on “Good Governance, Right to Information Act, ARTPS and other transparency measures” was held at Assam Administrative Staff College, Guwahati from 10th to 12th June, 2024. The training was organized by Assam Administrative Staff College, Guwahati and sponsored by Govt. of Assam. Twenty-three (95) participants from various Directorates of Assam have attended the training. Various topics were discussed during the programme viz. Introduction to Good Governance and its importance, Transparency & Accountability as pillars of Good Governance, Ethics as a pillar of Good Governance: Case Studies, An Introduction to the Right to Information Act, RTI Act: Implementation, Accountability Mechanism & Case Studies, Overview of Assam Right to Public Service Act (ARTPS) & Rules, Implementation, Challenges and Solutions Of ARTPS- An Overview of Services Under Sewa Setu, Emotional Intelligence & its Role in Effective Governance, Learning & Using Emotional Intelligence for Good Governance: Case Studies, Learning & Using Emotional Intelligence for Good Governance: Case Studies, The Art of Communication: Effective Listening and Communication Skills for Good Governance.