Industrial Disputes (Appallate Tribunal) (Withdrawal of As~1.pdf | 149.14 KB |  |
Industrial Statistics (Further provisions and Validating A~1.pdf | 209.85 KB |  |
PLANTATIONS LABOUR ACT, 1951.pdf | 6.36 MB |  |
The Assam Industrial Disputes Rules 1958 .pdf | 8 MB |  |
The Assam Industrial Disputes(Assam Amendment) Act.1962.pdf | 198.41 KB |  |
The Assam Industrial Establishment (Confirment of Permanen~1.pdf | 564.64 KB |  |
The Assam Industrial Establishment (Confirment of Permanen~2.pdf | 702.19 KB |  |
The Assam Labour Service Rules for the Departmental Examin~1.pdf | 520.86 KB |  |
The Assam Labour Service Rules, 1970.pdf | 1.56 MB |  |